GRM response matrix online Form
ID of detecor, eg. g[01-03]
Source position in J2000, RA(float, degree)
Source position in J2000, DEC(float, degree)
MET time of the burst(float, unit:second), default is 'now'
Source position in GRM payload coordinate system, theta(float, degree),[0, 180]
Source position in GRM payload coordinate system. phi(float, degree),[0, 360)
Considering atomospheric scatter effect or not, True (consider) or False(do not consider)
Files containing satellite positions in J2000, such as:SVOM_GRM_ORB_E7000001_Sb24050102_0AB.FITS
Files containing attitude quaternions of satellite in J2000, such as: SVOM_GRM_ATT_E7000001_Sb24050102_0AB.FITS
Files containing temperatures and high voltages of GRDs, such as: SVOM_GRM_STA_E7000001_Sb24050102_0AB.FITS